Preparing for the Pawlidays

Given this year’s current circumstances it isn’t surprising to wonder…are we still doing holidays in 2020? Of course we are! Safely, that is. As we’re looking for normalcy, especially when it comes to holiday traditions, we’ve had to learn to adapt, where old traditions become new traditions. So whether you’re staying home or going away, gathering around a table or tablet, celebrating the same or keeping it low-key, there’s still a reason to celebrate.

Regardless of how you’re planning on celebrating, we’re here to help make sure you’re prepared, so let’s dive in on Preparing for the Pawlidays!

November 7- Edited.jpeg

Leading up to the holidays

Between cleaning the house, meal prepping and decorating, it’s important to remember to prepare your furry family member for the festivities as well. Here’s a few of questions to consider:

  • If I’m going away, can I bring my pup with?

  • If I’m staying home, will they get enough attention or should I be boarding them overnight?

  • What am I going to do to have them burn off that extra energy prior to the festivities?

First, it’s important to check with the host to make sure that you’re allowed to bring along your four-legged guest. Nothing says SURPRISE like bringing your 100 lb Great Dane without a little heads up. Once you’ve been ok’d to bring along your furry family member, what travel arrangements do you need to make?

  • Are you driving? Flying?

  • If you’re driving, how long will you be in the car for? Plan out stops along the way to have your pup walk around, go potty, and stretch their legs.

  • Do you have a dog friendly hotel to stay at along the way?

  • Would it be more beneficial for my pup to get 100% care and attention while boarding instead?

As much as we love having our dogs with us during the holiday, if you’re traveling, sometimes it’s just easier to board your pup while you’re away. Not only does it alleviate some of the stress that comes along with traveling with your pup, but you’ll also have peace of mind knowing that your dog is in good hands and well cared for.

But what if you’re staying home? If you’re hosting the holiday gathering at your house keeping your pet at home would be convenient, but could also cause more stress for everyone. Debating on whether you want to keep your pup home or board them overnight, here are some things to consider:

How does your dog feel about strangers?

If people coming into your dogs space makes them uncomfortable, consider keeping them away from your guests by setting up a special room for them where they’ll be able to relax and be unbothered. To help them destress, set up a defuser with calming scents, turn on a tv or some classical music to tune out outside noises, and give them their favorite toy to play with.

Still worried about how your dog might do? Have them come and board instead! Your dog will be in a stress-free environment where they can be comfortable and relaxed. We are here everyday taking care of your pups.

Got yourself a counter surfer or garbage excavator?

Don’t let your sneaky pup run off with the turkey, or worse…the pumpkin pie! Keep them out of the kitchen and make sure to keep all food out of reach.

High-energy dog?

Between trying to clean the house and prep for the festivities, the last thing that might be on your mind is how and when you’ll find the time to properly exercise your pup so they’re not bouncing off the walls later with company. A day or two of daycare beforehand will make sure that your pup is good and tired enough to stay out of mischief during the get togethers.

What activities can you have your dog do that’ll keep them preoccupied and away from the table while eating?

Set up a game or puzzle to keep your pup busy, like: a busy bone, marrow bone or KONG with frozen peanut butter ready to enjoy.

Speaking of table scraps…how many of us give our dog a taste from the table? I know that I’m guilty of this bad habit, so you aren’t alone if you do. However, you should avoid giving your dog table scraps that’ll upset their tummy or cause internal harm, like:

  • Onions

  • Garlic

  • Alcohol

  • Nuts

  • Grapes/Raisins

  • Fatty Foods

  • Mushrooms

  • Cooked Bones

Cooked bones can splinter into shards that can cause serious damage to the mouth, throat, or intestines. We recommend sticking to your pups regular feeding in order to avoid a clean up of diarrhea or vomit, but if you can’t resist treating them to a nibble from the table just make sure that it’s in moderation and that it’s something that they can have that won’t upset their tummy. Another idea is to make or buy your pup a special doggie treat that’s safe for them to have.

How can Dog Star Ranch help you?


The holidays can be stressful enough as it is, so why not have one less thing on your plate by boarding your pup at Dog Star Ranch! Not only is this a great option for while you’re away, but when staying at home too. Whether it’s home projects or the holidays, sometimes it’s better to have your pup come stay somewhere where you know they’ll be out of harms way and staying out of trouble.


When your pup books a stay at Dog Star Ranch they’re guaranteed a fun-filled stay with four community plays throughout the day AND a walk out in the park with friends! At the end of the night after dinner they’ll get tucked into bed ready for sweet dreams. You can make your pups stay extra special by:

  • Upgrading to Loft Boarding - This is our kennel free option where they’d have their own room with a doggie couch!

  • Deluxe - Would your pup love to be out of their spot all day long? Add on Deluxe! This is our “Out All Day” option where your pup experiences a full day of activities, like outside time in the community yard, inside time in the rooms with couches, and a walk in the park. They would only go back to their cabin for their meals and going to bed. Your pup will be snoring as soon as they hit the hay with this option!

  • Frozen Peanut Butter KONG - Who doesn’t love a yummy nighttime snack?! Add on a frozen PB KONG to keep your pup busy. Not only is it a delicious lip smacking snack, but it will also help alleviate any stress or anxiety that your pup might be experiencing.

Although you might not be able to bring along any of the usual comforts from home, that doesn’t mean that your pup will go without. Not only do we ensure that every dog has a comfy pet cot in their spot, but we’ve got blankies as well! Well what about a toy you might ask…you are more than welcome to purchase a toy from our retail. Not only are you helping support a small business by shopping local, but you’re also making your pups stay all the more special! And they will come back home with it!

A commonly asked question that many pet parents have in regards to having their pup board over the holidays is: What happens to my dog on the holiday when you’re closed? Is someone at your facility taking care of them?


Yes, absolutely! Even when our office is closed, Dog Star Ranch staff is here caring for your canines Monday through Sunday. With outside time, walks, and plenty of human attention, you can bet your pup is taken care of!


So you don’t need us for boarding, but what about daycare? Making sure that your pup is well exercised will help curb their boredom and when their boredom is curbed, the likelihood of them being destructive is lessened as well. The last thing that you’d want on Thanksgiving Day is a hole in the wall because your pup had too much energy and not enough stimulation when you put them away in a room (think Tasmanian devil). Not only will daycare allow you to run those errands and get things done around the house, but your pup will have a full day of activity to burn off energy.

Whether it’s a boarding stay, daycare day, or grooming service prior to the holiday; whatever you may need Dog Star Ranch is here! So don’t forget to:

  • Make your boarding reservations well in advance to guarantee a spot

  • Schedule your pups grooming service appointment well in advance to guarantee a clean and good looking pup for the festivities (and pictures!)

  • Preschedule your daycare days so we know when your pup is coming in to play

Looking ahead…

Holiday Hours:

Thanksgiving Eve 11/25- CLOSED to boarding arrivals, daycare, & grooming; boarding After Hours option available between 10am-11am OR 5pm-6pm with a fee

Thanksgiving 11/26- CLOSED to boarding arrivals & departures, daycare, & grooming

Christmas Eve 12/24- CLOSED to boarding arrivals, daycare, & grooming; boarding After Hours option available between 10am-11am OR 5pm-6pm with a fee

Christmas 12/25- CLOSED to boarding arrivals & departures, daycare, & grooming

New Year’s Eve 12/31- CLOSED to boarding arrivals, daycare, & grooming; boarding After Hours option available between 10am-11am OR 5pm-6pm with a fee

New Year’s Day 1/1- CLOSED to boarding arrivals & departures, daycare, & grooming

*After Hour option fee of $50 (Sirius Star Members receive 50% off)

Stay tuned next week for our blog all about your pup and their paws!


Nails & Canine Paw Care


First Time Dog Owner