A Socialized Dog is a Healthy Dog
Daycare at Dog Star Ranch is an interactive and safe place to play with other dogs. It keeps our pets healthy and exercised while maintaining good manners and social skills for everyday life. Our one-of-a-kind Daycare Program offers a full day of exercise and socialization, including: trips throughout the parks, socialization with canine and human companions, snuggles, and so much more!
All Daycare must be prescheduled.
Price per day $38
Packages Available

Daycare Hours
Monday - Saturday
6:00am - 7:00pm
Any dog not picked up by 7:00pm will automatically go into Boarding and will be available to pick up during available boarding hours
No Daycare available on Sunday
These hours do not apply for our “First Day Evaluation". If it’s your dog’s first time with us head over to our New To DSR page for details.
Any necessary vaccinations needed prior to your visit with the facility should be given no less than five days prior to your appointment with Dog Star Ranch. Receiving vaccinations within less than five days of the arrival day could result in the cancellation of your reservation. Follow the link below to read our rules & policies.
Dog Star Ranch requires proof of the following vaccinations:
DHLPP (Also referred to as DHPP or Da2PP)
All other vaccinations are left between you and your veterinarian.
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What are the perks of Doggie Daycare?
Our Doggie Daycare Program follows an easygoing routine that is customized for each individual dog. Not one person enjoys the same things, so why assume all dogs need the same daycare routine? All daycare days include a walk in the park with friends, or if they are uncertain about other dogs, a one-on-one walk with a staff member (Star Buddy). Some dogs may spend most of their day snuggled up on a team member's lap, whereas others may need a full day filled with yard time and community play with friends. Whatever your dog's needs may be, we are able to accommodate them because there is nothing better than a happy fulfilled dog.
Safe Socialization
Our team evaluates each dog on their first day to ensure that they are grouped with the right friends. They may follow their group of friends from puppyhood into their senior years, or their friend group may change over time. We personalize our dogs' day, depending on what they need. Some days might be filled with exercise and plenty of play with friends and other days might be more relaxed. We try our best to create the perfect friend circle for your fur baby while in our care. If your dog is not comfortable with other dogs on their first day, we will let them have extra Star Buddy attention until we feel they are ready for the next step in their Daycare journey.
Building Confidence
Daycare is a great way to build your dogs' confidence while you are away by giving them a steady routine, as well as a full day of socialization and exercise with friends. Daycare is beneficial for all types of dogs. Hyperactive dogs find a place to run without restraints so they can be calmer for you at home. Nervous dogs thrive in a routine around other dogs to build their confidence. Puppies learn how to properly socialize with other dogs and learn manners. Even senior dogs benefit from a personalized daycare experience where they can get the right amount of exercise while still getting their midday nap in.
A dog needs proper exercise to live its best life. Regular walks with Mom or Dad are a wonderful way to ensure your dog gets their daily exercise, but there is nothing like the feeling a dog gets from running as fast as they can across our park surrounded by their friends and Star Buddies. No leash to hold them back, just pure wild enjoyment. Regular daycare keeps your dog physically and emotionally balanced, and we love being able to provide that for your pup.