Below are the first steps to joining the DSR pack!
You have two options to set up your Online DSR Portal
Contact Dog Star Ranch and an office staff member can assist you over the phone.
Set up your account from the comfort of your own home by clicking the button below.
Every new dog that visits Dog Star Ranch will need to have a First Day Evaluation visit with us! Once you create your account select “New Client” then schedule your “First Day Evaluation”.
This is required by Dog Star Ranch. The evaluation determines your dogs social skills, preferred play type, along with other elements to ensure a safe and healthy experience for you.
The First Day of Daycare is FREE of charge and can be scheduled Monday-Saturday.
9am-1pm or 10am-2pm
9am-1pm or 9:30am-1:30pm
4-Hour Daycare Day
Temperament Evaluation
End of day appointment to go over the first day with us!
Once you’ve scheduled your Evaluation you can sign agreements, upload immunization records, add details, photos and more to your profile!
We cannot wait to meet you!
New Client Form
Any necessary vaccinations needed prior to your visit with the facility should be given no less than five days prior to your appointment with Dog Star Ranch. Receiving vaccinations within less than five days of the arrival day could result in the cancellation of your reservation.
Dog Star Ranch requires proof of the following vaccinations:
DHLPP (also referred to as DHPP or Da2PP)
All other vaccinations are left between you and your veterinarian.